Saturday, November 8, 2014

Social Impact of Augmented Reality

The impact of technological immediacy has already impacted social behavior on a large scale. The growth of augmented reality devices will only increase that impact on our society. Just as social media brought the news we wanted to us when we wanted it, augmented reality will bring the very things in life we want at a much quicker way. AR devices will have access to many of things we already have access to but are less obvious, less cumbersome, and pose some security risks.

Hands free devices were a start. We were able to text and drive more safely than before. The addition of AR glasses and contact lenses made this even easier. Mapping a location, pulling up information about a person place or thing, and visualizing a change in a space will all be much more streamlined and second nature to us than ever before.

Much like many people do not remember actual phone numbers anymore because they are stored in their phones, will people start to rely on their AR devices to remember coworkers names, birthdays, etc.? To what extent will out lives become dependent on this immediacy of information and will people use it for good or bad?

How do AR devices make us better or worse people? For one, our privacy will be impacted greatly. Someone with AR glasses or lenses will be able to use facial recognition software and find someone possibly via social networks. Imagine if that person were a dangerous stalker. Would they know you were wealthy, where you lived, what places you frequented? These are important questions to ask ourselves when we think about the introduction of a technology many don't understand the extent of yet. Who will ensure that the right protection is implemented and that privacy laws are being followed?

I think people will become better liars. People will pull up information as they wish and use it for good and bad. Unfortunately many people are already suffering from social behavior issues and using technology in a negative way. That our personal lives can be unfolded to the wrong person is a scary thought.

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